David Herring Music Sightreading Skillbuilders is always where your band needs it to be…

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Re: sight reading tunes

Posted by Take a Look in reply to “sight reading tunes

The David Herring Sightreading Skillbuilders – I know he has level 1 and 2 and hear level 3 is coming out soon 

In response to:
“I’m looking for a book/packet/whatever of progressive sight reading tunes that stay on a certain level much longer. Most/all of the resources I’ve looked into start out super easy, but get too hard too fast. The 204 PSRT is the closest I’ve found, but even it changes meter in the first 5 tunes and changes key on the second page. I understand the reasoning for this. You want kids to read tougher stuff, I get that. But I want to do a bunch of sight reading, I’m talking 20-30 tunes at each level so that they are actually sight reading successfully instead of hitting #3 and brain-farting on the key or meter.
Short of writing out 30+ tunes at each level myself (believe me I have begun the process) does anyone know of a sight reading set that does this? thanks!”

Available for UIL Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. You will want to have a Directors score, and a set of instrument part books, or the instrument parts as printable PDF files on disk. Get your copies today. Call us at 501-762-6620 or email contact@sightreadingforband.com